Next Career Fair: Wednesday, September 17th, 2025
Career Fair:
For questions regarding the Engineering & Computing career fairs, please contact us at 785-864-3891,
The upcoming career fair will be in-person at the Kansas Union. No virtual fair this year.
Fall Career Fair: In-person from 11:00am to 4:00pm on September 17th.
Spring Career Fair: In-person from 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. on February 12th.
Career Fair Plus Resources:
The help center from Career Fair Plus is found here.
- Increase your company's visibility with engineering and computing students
- Fall attendance: 1,000+ students and alumni
- Spring attendance: 700+ students and alumni
- Screen candidates at the fair and take advantage of Next-Day Interviews
- Develop early connections with first-year students, Sophomores, and Juniors
- Collect resumes and build a pool of candidates for current and future hiring needs
- Current University of Kansas students (any major)
- Previous students or alumni of University of Kansas (any major)
- Current students attending KU pre-engineering or dual degree engineering programs at Baker University and Washburn University
- Current students attending KU dual degree IT program at Johnson County Community College.
- Current students attending Haskell Indian Nations University - as part of the Haskell / KU Partnership
- Individuals who attended other colleges/universities outside of the area may pre-register to attend by requesting reciprocal services.
Standard Registration for In-person (and complementary Virtual): $350
Standard Registration for Virtual only: $200
Non-Profit/Government Employers for In-person (and complementary Virtual): $150
Non-Profit/Government Employers for Virtual only: $100
The in-person career fair includes:
1 table, lunch, and parking for 3 company representatives. Currently, KU does not require masks to be worn on campus. The fee includes the virtual career fair for 10 representatives at no extra cost.
For virtual career fairs, the fee includes:
- Video chat capability for up to 10 company representatives. Virtual career fairs are online 'events' that allow employers and students to meet in virtual environments such as through voice calls or video chat rooms. Employers will have the ability to virtually screen quality candidates, receive electronic resumes and save time and costs associated with traveling to participate in on-site events. We will be working with Career Fair Plus to host our upcoming virtual career fair, to create an intuitive, user-friendly experience for students and employers.
Acceptable Payment Methods:
- Check: Please make checks payable to "Engineering Career Center"
- Credit Card: To pay with a credit card, click through to the secure e-commerce link on your invoice (available after you register)
We will hold Next-Day Interviews on-campus in the Burge Union. The cost is included in the registration for the in-person career fair. We also offer on-campus interviews in our office all year. Contact us to schedule at
IHAWKe Diversity & Women's Programs Fall Event
On the night before every fall engineering and computing career fair, IHAWKe hosts an event. Employers and students have a unique opportunity to meet over dinner and enjoy a guest speaker. Due to limited seating, pre-registration is required. Cost: $250 per employer (includes 2 representatives who will sit at a round table with 6 students).
Game Night
The night before the spring engineering and computing career fair, the Engineering Student Council hosts a free board game and pizza night for recruiters and students to get to know each other better. Questions? Email us at