
Eight KU Students visiting the Instagram HQ

Our students are as eager to connect with you as you are with them.  From events to career preparation activities, there are numerous ways to build relationships with KU Engineering & Computing Students.  We encourage you to explore the options, then contact our staff to get started!

Mock Interviews & Resume Reviews 

Employer participation in mock interviews and resume reviews through the ECC is a win-win.  Our students gain confidence and are better prepared for the job search process, and you will have the opportunity to promote your organization while previewing future candidates.

Employer Panels and Workshops

Employer panels, lunch and learns, and workshops are scheduled each semester to connect students with experienced professionals to share expertise on industry trends, career advice and professional development strategies.

Jayhawks on the Job

Jayhawks on the Job is an event organized by the School of Engineering that allows students to “shadow” an engineering or computing professional during the course of a workday.

Career Road Trips

Help students explore career options by hosting a Career Road Trip. The KU Engineering Career Center takes students on the road to learn about area employers. Participating employers agree to host a small group of students and staff for a tour and discussion of engineering careers within their organization. Visits usually last 1-2 hours, depending on the activities involved.

IHAWKe Programs Fall Event

Prior to every fall engineering and computing career fair, IHAWKe hosts an event. Look for more information and details soon. Questions? Email ihawke@ku.edu.

Industry Nights

Industry Nights give students an opportunity to explore the variety of engineering careers within specific industries. Interactions take place in small groups, where employers have an opportunity to share information about their organization's role within an industry and answer student questions. Students rotate among the employers present, so they come away from the event with a broader view of the career options available to them.

Game Night

Game Night is hosted by the Engineering Student Council the evening before the spring engineering and computing career fair.  It is a great opportunity for employers to network with KU engineering students in a fun and casual setting.  It is free to register and can be selected when completing your spring career fair registration form.

Company Days & Events

Increase brand recognition by arranging a student mixer, hosting a company tour, tabling in the engineering complex to promote your organization, or coordinating a day of promotional activities across campus.

Student Organizations

Ensure a captive audience and connect with a targeted group of students by presenting to a student organization or sponsoring a student-led event.  

View a list of engineering student organizations

KU Mentoring

KU Mentoring offers a forum for individuals to share their knowledge and life experiences with the Jayhawk network.  Students can connect with alumni or employers to ask career advice, grow their network and much more.  Signing up will also give you access to the KU Alumni Job Board and the new Bridges project platform. The KU Alumni Job Board can help source talent for opportunities requiring a four-year degree and professional work experience in addition to posting to hirejayhawks.com. Bridges allows you to post projects for students and recent grads to gain real-world experience.

Sign up for KU Mentoring.

Learn more about alumni engagement.

Academic Engagement

Explore creative ways to get to know the outstanding KU engineering and computing faculty – host a faculty lunch, join an advisory board, provide a senior design project, or form a research partnership. The Engineering Career Center can help connect you with these resources.


Support the School of Engineering


Help ensure top students have the financial resources necessary to attend college. Scholarship criteria is determined based on your preferences and can be tied into your company’s needs for specific majors, individual student qualifications, or geographic locations.

Equipment & Labs

Promote your organization to KU students while investing in the quality and experience level of KU graduates.  Sponsor a lab of equipment, donate funds for a specific instrument or provide funds for a research project. 

Make a Gift to the School of Engineering.