Connect with Students

Whether you’ve been out of school for a year or 20 years, your experiences, insights, and knowledge are valuable tools in encouraging and engaging the next generation of Jayhawk Engineers in fulfilling their dreams. There are many ways to give back that only require a small commitment of your time.
KU Mentoring+
The KU Mentoring+ platform gives students the opportunity to contact alumni with quick questions about life and work after graduation from KU. It also allows alumni to connect with other alumni. Join our community today!
NEW FEATURE! Within KU Mentoring+, you will now find Bridges, KU's marketplace for connecting students and recent grads to real-world projects that benefit businesses. To post a project, create a profile at Under the Opportunities tab, choose "Explore Projects". Under "Post a Project," choose the template that fits your opportunity, or create your own! You can also post full-time positions suitable for alumni with 3+ years of experience in the KU Mentoring Job Opportunities tab.
Jayhawks on the Job
Jayhawks on the Job gives students the opportunity to “shadow” an engineering or computing professional for an afternoon over winter break.
Connect with a Student Organization
One of the best ways to reach out to KU Engineering students is to speak at a student organization meeting or host a student group for a company tour. The School of Engineering has over 70 student organizations, so browse the student organization list to find a group to reach out to. Please feel free to contact Anda Arms with further questions.
Present about your Industry
If you’re interested in speaking to students about opportunities, changes, or the work you do within your industry, we can help you set up an event! Please contact Kristi Kamm if you’re interested.
Host Students for a Company Tour
Whether you’re located near or far from KU, students love the opportunity to tour company facilities and see different engineering roles first hand. To reach out to a specific student interest group, check our list of student organizations. If you’d like to set up and market a company tour to a broader range of students, contact Kristi Kamm for help doing so.
Give a Gift
You can give a gift to the School of Engineering through KU Endowment.