Start at a Startup
Whether looking to start your own company or find a position at a startup company - check out the helpful links below:
- 1 Million Cups - free, national program designed to educate, engage, and connect entrepreneurs. On Wednesday mornings, gather with local entrepreneurs over a cup (or two) of coffee in Lawrence or Kansas City.
- KC Source Link - connect with resources for your startup business in the Kansas City area.
- Startland - community-building non-profit, activating a thriving and inclusive culture of innovation in Kansas City.
- KU Innovation Park - state-of-the-art lab, office, and co-working facilities to support innovation-driven and technology focused companies and entrepreneurs.
- KU Center for Entrepreneurship - find KU courses, certificate programs, clubs, and more.
- Entrepreneurs@KU - a transparent and supportive infrastructure to assist faculty and staff in starting companies.
- Jayhawk Consulting - helps clients grow through data analysis and project development, while offering KU students experiential learning as work for real clients.
- Techmap Kansas - Free State Forge - a map of startups in Kansas
- Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEWKC) - Nov. 14-20, 2022